This is a little off-the-wall for me but, life brings all types of people across my path with different lifestyles and interest. Mike Polis is one interesting guy. Mike is a vlogger. He vlogs (video blogs) outdoor activities and all things water. One of his favorite interests is magnet fishing. Magnet fishing is when you drop a strong magnet into a water way and fish for metal that has been deposited into it, polluting the water. In this vlog Mike pulls large amounts of metal and even a TV from a creek under an old railroad bridge. Crazy!
You know I love a good treasure hunt in a thrift store but, this is a whole different twist from that! It's very intriguing to me. I've got to do this!!
Check out this episode of Mike magnet fishing from a train bridge and then read my wardrobing ideas.
Okay, so how does Mike's vlogging and my wardrobing intersect?
Although, I get called by clients to help them polish their look for an interview, promotion, or public event, while working in their wardrobes I take a look at their everyday wear too and help them find items that could be useful for their off-time as well.
So.... Here are some wardrobe ideas for Mike and his adventures with Magnet Fishing. Mike goes to many different locations and in a wide variety of weather conditions. So, he will need a variety of wardrobe options. Notice: I give feminine options, too, for me and the gals. :)
Rubber Boots

Men's Baffin Enduro Rain Boots - $55.95
TideWe Rubber Boots for Women - $58.99
Ankle Boots
Grundens Deck-Boss Ankle Boots Men's - $99.99
Women's 6" Ankle Deck-Boots - $100.00


Piscifun® Breathable Chest Waders - $99.00
Women Neoprene Chest Waders - $93.49 (This is more the look I'd be going for. )
Hiking Boots
Water Shoes
Men's Water Shoes - 21.95 WOMEN'S CURRENT WATER SHOES - $30.00
Of Course! You'll need the Mike Polis T-shirt - $20.00

And the Mike Polis Hoodie - $40.00
Wet Suit
Men's Full Wetsuit - $79.99
Womens Full Wetsuit - $79.99
Cargo Shorts
Men's cargo shorts - $54.95
Women's cargo shorts - $49.95
Cargo Pants
Men's Hiking Cargo Pants - $23.59
Women's Guide Pro Pants - $80.00

A Mike Polis Cap - $25.00
Things People Places - $25.00
Work Gloves
Men's - $11.97
Women's - $3.98

BruteMagnet - $219.19 go to Mike's vlog and he'll tell you in the comments how to get an extra discount.
You know I love a good treasure hunt and this is right up my alley! I would also suggest when you are trying to think of something to do with the kids this summer, Think of Brute Magnet and inspire your kiddos to clean up the waters. Mike Polis and his adventures at or follow Mike Polis on Facebook and subscribe to his Youtube channel at .

Minnesota Wardrobe Consultant Kathy Banta